Tuesday, May 6, 2008

my confession.....

I can't help it if I really like to be organized, I find much pleasure in a well thought out, functionally designed space.
Believe me, I am wholeheartedly aware that I have a little, teeny, tiny bit of an ocd issue.....although, my husband might say its more than that.
I don't think it is weird that I have a label maker and I use it.....a lot.... and often.
SO WHAT if I have my entire pantry labeled by category.
Seriously, I kind of have to, or all of the food storage containers and shelf assignments would run amok with my unorganized family.
Besides, if I didn't label the pantry, it might seem odd that I have my dishes, drinking glasses, stemware, coffee mugs, tea cups and the kids' cabinets labeled.
I can't play favorites ya know.


Shannon said...

Oooh...that sounds great to me. I'd love to do that - just can't get organized enough to do it! :)

Melissa Belmonte said...

I would love to have an organized pantry some day. They look so nice in the magazines.