Monday, May 5, 2008

10 things about me

Shannon tagged me for this.

Here are the VIR (very important rules): Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

Share five random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
Then, share the five top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list.

Randomly Weird Facts about me:

I am obsessed with documentaries, I will watch any documentary that crosses my path.
I am intrigued by the honesty and realness of a documentary and it allows me to see things that I would otherwise never be exposed to.
I have this crazy notion that someday I will create my own documentary.....its a little dream of mine!

I can't share my blanket when I sleep, Chris and I both have our own.
I have to wrap myself in my blanket and cover my head to get to sleep.

I love the retro, pinup girl look and I wish I could carry it off!

I pick my scabs and pop my zits.

I love to rock out loud and hard to 80's music.

Places I'd like to visit/revisit:

Canada, I have roots there but I have never been. I want to take a long trip there and look up my family history.

Of course Disney with the kids!!
We have taken DJ, but want to wait until Emmy is a bit older to go back with the girls (and DJ).

Niagara Falls, both sides.

Go back to the private beach in Cozumel, Mexico where we ate freshly prepared Mexican food, cold juicy fruit and drank the most amazing margaritas I have ever tasted in my life!
The sky was baby blue, the sun was so warm and the water was refreshingly crystal was heavenly!

Someday, I will join DJ and take an RV wherever he wants!


Shannon said...

Thanks for playing. I love 80's music too.

Melissa Belmonte said...

What documentaries do you like?

Reanna said...

Honestly, I like a wide varity of subject matter, some that have stuck with me are-

Dark Days

Born into Brothels: Calcutta's red light kids

Baghdad ER

My flesh and blood

Stoked: The rise and fall of gator

Bowling for Columbine

Jesus Camp

There are so many, these left a lasting impression.

Melissa Belmonte said...

I asked because I really like documentaries, too, and I'm always looking for more to watch. I really liked Bowling for Columbine and Born into Brothels, too. Have you seen Raising Cain?

Reanna said...

I have not come across that documentary....I will look for it.

check out this link:

Melissa Belmonte said...

I'm going to use your list to reserve things from the library, one at a time. i just reserved "Jesus Camp". Thanks for recommending some!

Melissa Belmonte said...

Sorry I keep going back to the documentary thing...but the "Buena Vista Social Club" documentary is one of my all-time favorites.