Monday, May 19, 2008

big girl bed

Milestones suck.

This past weekend, we took down Emmy's crib, donated it and moved her into her big girl bed.
This was a huge transition for the child who despises any type of change, I didn't really take into consideration how much she hated change.
It was bad.
But it didn't start out that way......
naturally, I was pretty stoked about getting the last of the baby things out of her room and see it transform into a big girl room and Emmy was excited to have and play in her big girl room!
Chris and I were surprised at how much she was enjoying the change, we talked to her about how she is getting big like Avery and her new bed will be so comfy, she was receptive and happy about it all......then came bedtime.
We did our regular bedtime routine with stories, bath, and singing......things were going well until it was time to leave the room.....she freaked out.
She wanted her crib back, she didn't want the bed and she was totally hysterical about it all!
We calmed her down and tried again.....nope, didn't work.
After a while, we decided to stay with her until she fell asleep (she never needed us before, she would play quietly in her crib and drift off to sleep)....eventually, she did fall asleep.
Inevitably, she woke up crying during the night and I went in to comfort her, I tried to lull her back to sleep but it wasn't working, so I tried to sleep in her bed with her.
That worked for about 10 minutes before she was up jumping on me, giggling and turning the lights on and off......
I attempted to sneak her into our bed along with Avery and Chris.....omg, she really wanted to play then!
Eventually, Chris and Emmy disappeared to her room and I didn't hear from them until the morning.....Chris let me know (repeatedly) that it was a long night for him!

We have all made progress over the last 4 nights, each night getting better for Emmy and for us.
Thankfully, she is getting used to her bed and loves is a longer bedtime routine, but she doesn't freak out and can fall asleep in her big girl bed.

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