Friday, May 30, 2008

bringing sexy back

I am so excited to go see the movie tonight....been waiting a long time to catch up with the girls again!

Bought tickets in advance
and the movie was almost sold out!
Apparently, if you are a 30-somethingish female,
myself included,
you will be leaving your kids
and husband (mine will be in a Celtics coma anyway) behind to see how Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha
have been living life the last few years.

You know its gonna be fierce....
I can't wait!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The girls and I were out and about doing some random errands yesterday afternoon.
They were strapped in their car seats, reporting everything we passed (insisting that I confirm and repeat everything that they say) while the warm wind was blowing their hair and they were giggling at each other. I was thinking about whether to go to the bank or get gas first between validating that I also see the green trees, red cars and big houses.... and then he came out pointing.
Making eye contact, he pointed the radar thingy and waved me to pull over....I was the completely oblivious recipient of a speed trap, along with the truck in front of me.
Besides being so embarrassed that I was sitting in my minivan (in need of a car wash) with my 2 girls, clearly pulled over for speeding, I also had to explain to the girls why we have to drive slow or the police will stop us and tell us to slow down (the 4 year old version).
The worst part of all of this is that I am the slowest driver ever and I hate to make left hand turns, I seriously drive like a memere' (pathetic, I know).
So it was kind of ironic that I got stopped for speeding.
Although the (NA) officer was very nice and explained to me that I was traveling a 43 miles per hour in a 30 zone which would be a $130.00 ticket and let me off with a warning.

I didn't even have to drop any names.....ahem.....Officer McQuade.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ah, sugar....... ah, honey, honey

After a weekend spent in the yard, my once perfectly pedicured, now disgusting feet were in need of some real TLC.

Simply stated, playing barefoot in the grass and mud feels so good but your pretty feet will pay the price for your pleasure. Dirt stains permeate the once smooth skin and withstand the efforts of soap and water........despite the excessive use of a bath brush.

Wanting to wear cute sandals and not wanting my filthy feet to be a reflection of my personal hygiene, I had to change things up a bit. I slathered my feet with Jacqua Beauty orange vanilla sugar scrub, massaged it in, then I took the bath brush and scrubbed it in for a few minutes and rinsed it off.

My feet feel and look amazing.....happy, happy feet!

You can also make your own sugar scrub with ingredients found at home.

  1. 1 cup sugar
  2. 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  3. scented essential oil

I am thinking that a honey masque to follow would be an absolute dream for my feet.....

Monday, May 26, 2008


We enjoyed an amazing weekend with family,
watching parades, eating lots of food and taking
in the gorgeous weather.

Although it was a really laid back, lovely, lazy
weekend, we had lots of things going on.

Al visited with us for a few days....always a good
time to see him and for him to spend time with the kids.

Paid a visit to the cemetery and planted flowers at my Dad's grave. The cemetery looks so beautiful, there are the flags on the veteran's graves (Dad's included), meticulously manicured flower beds and ornate religious statues that scatter all over the grounds....for me, it is such a peaceful place to visit.

We went to a cookout for Kyle's 11th birthday.....I can't believe that he is already 11 years old! It was so nice to see my aunts and cousins, the kids all played well together and the food was was a fun afternoon.

We spent the majority of the time in the yard, playing with the kids, soaking in the sun and tending to the gardens. I am working really hard at getting the grass to fill in and it is working out, so I also spent time seeding and watering the grass. I love watering the grass, it is such a stress reliever. Chris set up the pool and with John's help, managed to construct a gate and new section of fence to keep the pool area fenced off from the rest of the yard.

I really relished every minute of this Memorial Day weekend, but I have to say that the best part about the weekend was eating all of our meals outside on the deck.....summer is on its way!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

treats for me

My Mother-In-Law is visiting for 2 weeks.
She lives in Naples, Florida and tries to get up this way every couple of months.
She is very crafty and sends the girls handmade dresses and dolls that are so beautiful.....I will have post about those soon.

So, this visit, I got some
yummy goodies......

Thanks Elaine!!

cute fuzzy things

I have been outside all morning with the girls doing the gardens and stuff.
They like to help, it takes a lot longer with their help, especially when Emmy pulls out the perennials that I have just planted and happily brings them to me with so much pride, but such is life.
So, I decided to try and experiment with my moss garden, I am doing the slurry as well as harvesting/transplanting moss from the shady parts of the yard.
Today, I planted between the pavers in 2 gardens and will also spread the mixture later today....hopefully one or both methods will work out. I'll keep you posted on the results.

While I was getting the garden groove going, Avery found a caterpillar and decided to make it her pet. She told me that she loves it and wants to bring it to bed with her.....gross.
So, she is skipping around and singing to her pet and brings it over to me to show me.......she put it on my leg and the poor thing didn't move, she was holding it in the middle of its body by her finger and thumb and squished it (unintentionally). She told me it was sleeping and I couldn't tell her she killed the thing. So, now we are in the house and she is still carrying around this dead, limp caterpillar.....eagerly waiting to show Daddy when he gets nice Chris!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I can't help myself....

I was so ready for Idol tonight, with it being the final two and all (it is almost as good as watching the Oscar's red carpet) didn't disappoint, the boys did well.

I was so happy to see my "pretend boyfriend", Jason Castro (JC as I refer to him) in the audience, he totally caught me off guard as I was not expecting to see him.....he looked really cute.

So, as I was checking out my PYT (pretty young thing), they suddenly panned in on this.....

Constantine Maroulis..... for any of you who do not recognise the scowl, he was a season 4 contestant. I am personally NOT a fan, so I was annoyed that he stole precious camera time from my young, imaginary lovah.

Although, I have to admit that I did laugh out loud
at his weird facial expressions and I did rewind the segment to show Chris (who was not interested at all)......
and to sneak another peek at JC!

Monday, May 19, 2008

add some moss to your garden

Moss slurry:

-2 parts moss
-2 parts water
-1 part buttermilk or beer
(preferably not one you will be using for food in the future)

Blend thoroughly.
Spread the mixture over the area you would like to grow moss.
Keep misted with water until moss has established itself.

big girl bed

Milestones suck.

This past weekend, we took down Emmy's crib, donated it and moved her into her big girl bed.
This was a huge transition for the child who despises any type of change, I didn't really take into consideration how much she hated change.
It was bad.
But it didn't start out that way......
naturally, I was pretty stoked about getting the last of the baby things out of her room and see it transform into a big girl room and Emmy was excited to have and play in her big girl room!
Chris and I were surprised at how much she was enjoying the change, we talked to her about how she is getting big like Avery and her new bed will be so comfy, she was receptive and happy about it all......then came bedtime.
We did our regular bedtime routine with stories, bath, and singing......things were going well until it was time to leave the room.....she freaked out.
She wanted her crib back, she didn't want the bed and she was totally hysterical about it all!
We calmed her down and tried again.....nope, didn't work.
After a while, we decided to stay with her until she fell asleep (she never needed us before, she would play quietly in her crib and drift off to sleep)....eventually, she did fall asleep.
Inevitably, she woke up crying during the night and I went in to comfort her, I tried to lull her back to sleep but it wasn't working, so I tried to sleep in her bed with her.
That worked for about 10 minutes before she was up jumping on me, giggling and turning the lights on and off......
I attempted to sneak her into our bed along with Avery and Chris.....omg, she really wanted to play then!
Eventually, Chris and Emmy disappeared to her room and I didn't hear from them until the morning.....Chris let me know (repeatedly) that it was a long night for him!

We have all made progress over the last 4 nights, each night getting better for Emmy and for us.
Thankfully, she is getting used to her bed and loves is a longer bedtime routine, but she doesn't freak out and can fall asleep in her big girl bed.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

dressin' up

Cute dresses are a summer staple for me.
They are comfy and cool,
easy to throw on
and look pulled together....
even at the most un-put-together moments.
I grabbed these
adorable little dresses
at Target this morning....
I'm feeling the loveliness!

Monday, May 12, 2008

labor....on the cheap

Apparently, my full time gig
has the potential for me to earn
some decent cash.......go figure.
Hey, who do I
contact about this promotion because
it seems that no one at this establishment
received the notice

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Dear Mom,
Thank you for all of the unwavering support, guidance and wisdom that you have given to me in this life.
You have continually allowed me to be me, to make mistakes, to be creative, to be selfish of you, to need time alone and to never be judged as anything other than your daughter.
I am a better mother to my children because of you.
You have unbelievable strength and have shown me that despite the hardships, you will prosper and find the good in life.
I admire you and love you more than I can express and I thank you for being my Mother as well as my friend.

Today I celebrate you!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I guess I will still watch Idol....

Sadly, Jason Castro is headed home from Idol.

I loved his Marley performance......the judges told him that he sucked so bad and I am convinced that made him forget the lyrics in his 2nd song.

Whatever, it was time....he'll do the Idol tour and then we'll see him again. I am a fan now. I totally appreciate that he doesn't really give a crap and had fun....I am greatly enamored of him.....sigh.

Hey, if I were of single status, I think this might border on "cougar-ism".


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

my confession.....

I can't help it if I really like to be organized, I find much pleasure in a well thought out, functionally designed space.
Believe me, I am wholeheartedly aware that I have a little, teeny, tiny bit of an ocd issue.....although, my husband might say its more than that.
I don't think it is weird that I have a label maker and I use it.....a lot.... and often.
SO WHAT if I have my entire pantry labeled by category.
Seriously, I kind of have to, or all of the food storage containers and shelf assignments would run amok with my unorganized family.
Besides, if I didn't label the pantry, it might seem odd that I have my dishes, drinking glasses, stemware, coffee mugs, tea cups and the kids' cabinets labeled.
I can't play favorites ya know.

Monday, May 5, 2008

10 things about me

Shannon tagged me for this.

Here are the VIR (very important rules): Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

Share five random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
Then, share the five top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list.

Randomly Weird Facts about me:

I am obsessed with documentaries, I will watch any documentary that crosses my path.
I am intrigued by the honesty and realness of a documentary and it allows me to see things that I would otherwise never be exposed to.
I have this crazy notion that someday I will create my own documentary.....its a little dream of mine!

I can't share my blanket when I sleep, Chris and I both have our own.
I have to wrap myself in my blanket and cover my head to get to sleep.

I love the retro, pinup girl look and I wish I could carry it off!

I pick my scabs and pop my zits.

I love to rock out loud and hard to 80's music.

Places I'd like to visit/revisit:

Canada, I have roots there but I have never been. I want to take a long trip there and look up my family history.

Of course Disney with the kids!!
We have taken DJ, but want to wait until Emmy is a bit older to go back with the girls (and DJ).

Niagara Falls, both sides.

Go back to the private beach in Cozumel, Mexico where we ate freshly prepared Mexican food, cold juicy fruit and drank the most amazing margaritas I have ever tasted in my life!
The sky was baby blue, the sun was so warm and the water was refreshingly crystal was heavenly!

Someday, I will join DJ and take an RV wherever he wants!

a girl can dream

I love Johnny Depp.......true love forever!

He is soooooo dreamy!!


I am not avoiding the Tag....I am working on it!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Emmy's 1st haircut

How cute does she look with her new bangs?!!

back form beantown

Chris and I spent the weekend (a guiltless, child-free weekend) in Boston while the kids spent a couple of days being spoiled by Grandma and Gramps.
It was a late anniversary/ Chris' birthday weekend that we planned with Al and Georgia, it was a great time!
We arrived in Boston on Friday night in time to drop off the bags, grab dinner, consume a lot of adult beverages and stay through last call. Knowing that I had a lack of child restrictions for the weekend, my long lost-party-girl-alter-ego made an appearance.....she comes out every now and then for a good time! I can say with confidence, the quartet that was in attendance at our table, was collectively the drinks were flowing way too smooth.
We spent our evening at Elephant & Castle Pub and Restaurant which is connected to the Club Quarters hotel, where we stayed, so it was all too easy for us!

Of course the weather was less than perfect, but that allowed for me to sleep late, in a quiet, comfy, darkened hotel room and completely I overindulged the night before and needed to take it slow. I have to admit that I wasn't too upset that the weather was raw because I don't have too many opportunities to hang out and do nothing with Chris, watch some non-cartoon TV, take a long shower, eat in peace and take my time while doing my hair and makeup....I needed the downtime.

We eventually hit Faneuil Hall for dinner and some shopping.
We made sure to eat at Ned Devine's Irish Pub, yummy food and great atmosphere.
A quick stop (with the less than thrilled boys) to the Crocs store to get some things for the kids..... omg, I have not seen so many crocs in my life, it was a plethora of all things crocs!
DJ did get new crocs too, he wasn't around for the photo-op.

I love to watch the street performers and to people watch, it is such a diverse place full of tourists, families, college students and locals of all ages. We have taken Avery and DJ to Boston before Emmy was born, I really need to plan a day trip to Faneuil Hall with all of us.

After dinner we walked over to The Green Dragon, grabbed a table and hung out for the night.
It was quite an entertaining evening, the Freeze Pops performed live after the longest sound check evah and their fans were dancing like crazy.....loved it!

Got back to the hotel slept like a rock, I love when Avery sleeps with us, but it is a treat to have room to sprawl out and sleep. We got up and out of Boston by 9:30, stopped for breakfast and got home by 11:00.
I loved having 39.5 hours of uninterrupted, kid free, adult time with my husband, and hang out with Al and Georgia, but I was so ready to get home and see the kids and hear about what they did this weekend.
They were so excited when we got home, we were so excited when we got home, it was overwhelming.....I feel like we had just enough time away!!

Back to Mommy Mode!!

Friday, May 2, 2008


Save the drama for yo' llama...
God, I adore this shot!




I heart new crayons!

Avery and I had a blast making big heart crayons out of old broken crayon bits. Such a great project, she enjoyed picking the colors and making cool shapes and I was able to clear out the crayon bin in a green fashion!

~broken crayons

~kitchen knife

~cutting board

~cupcake molds


~preheat oven at 175
~cut or break up crayons~fill molds with crayons
~cook 15-20 minutes until melted
~chill in fridge until hardened
~pop out and color!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

RV enthusiast

In his own words.....

DJ said, "I thought archi camp was really fun and this is the first year that I decided to make a motor home. I used stiff foam board to make the walls and stuff, I used straws to make pipes and wires and I added little trinkets on the roof to make vents, air conditioners and satellite dishes."

DJ said, "At first I didn't want to make an inside, but I thought about it and I wanted to make it the best it could be. I created the drivers area with a passenger seat, behind that, I have a basic galley kitchen, there is a foldout sofa and a dinette, there is a standard bedroom in the rear of the motor home and off of the bedroom is a fully equipped bathroom facility. This is your home away from home!"

DJ said, " There is a ladder on the back to access the roof, propane tanks, sewer hose and sewer hose compartment."

DJ said, " On the bottom , you can see that I have added all of your water lines, sewer lines, fuel lines, water tanks and waste tanks."

DJ said, "For the RV'er, these come in handy in many different ways!"

DJ said, " I just had to have this picture taken!"

DJ said, "I really wish that my mom's car had a bathroom....this would be my job!"

Mom said, "Thats my boy!!"