Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's the deal...

with freaking out over a little pee in your diaper?
I totally realize that it must be extremely uncomfortable, but its nothing new and quite frankly, you have sat in much worse during your 2 years and 4 months of life.
I can remember some heavy loads after a 12 hour sleep you wake up dry, ask for a new dipe, release and proceed to the melt down stage.
So what's the deal?
It's not like I haven't introduced you to the big girl potty as well as the two toilets that inhabit the bathrooms in our home.....they are yours for the taking girlfriend....all yours.
But no, you would rather freak out with a tantrum of epic proportions and rip off the diaper, than to use the potty. audience of Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, brother, and Grandma.....big girl undies.....candy (bribes) rewards......begging.......nothing helps the cause.

Feel free to let me know when you are ready, because I am so ready to be past this.


Tracey said...

Oh I think you need to get Sissy all over that! She could pull her hair and hold her on the potty at the same time. That's not violent, is it? LOL.

Melissa Belmonte said...

I SO understand! Every time I think Atticus is completely potty trained, he regresses...ugh. We've actually found that he does better w/o all the hoop-la, praise, and audiences- it's too much pressure for him.

Reanna said...

its hell.

Reanna said...

Tracey! are so bad!!!!!