Sunday, July 27, 2008

lets just get it all out there

Its definitely not a secret that I have a bit of an ocd issue....nothing major, but one nonetheless.
I feel the need to keep things in order and uber-clean around here 24/7, which can be challenging with a toddler, preschooler and teenager....the husband is pretty much trained on board with my order of operations around the house, so he does not pose a problem (normally).
I cringe when the messes start, I just have to keep up with them, or I will slowly go mad looking at and having to step over the destruction piling up within the walls of my house.
I have tried to let things go until the end of the day, but those toys scattered across the living room floor, the cheerios that are formed into fun shapes in the corner of the hallway and the knocked over sippy cups dripping a puddle of ice water onto my kitchen floor keep taunting me to clean them up.....calling for me despite keeping busy with the kids.

There are times when we leave to avoid the pressures that I put on myself....I am fine if I am not looking at it. I also need to state that I realize that these are my issues and I don't carry this outside of my home, I am not looking in corners for dust bunnies when I am visiting your house.....I promise!

I have resigned to the fact that I fully enjoy order, organization and structure, it works for me and keeps me happy.
My family also makes me happy and I have been able to balance my "issues" with their natural instincts to use their imaginations and play happily in the same disarray that makes me sweat to think about. I have learned to let some things go and just do what I can do while they are playing, clean up dishes and the kitchen while they are eating and wipe down the bathroom while they are in the bath......multitasking, us moms are good at this.

Today, I was able to get my kitchen organized and straightened up nicely, quite an achievement now that everyone has access to all of the drawers, cabinets and pantry. I am a happy girl right now!
Go ahead, take a peek.....

But, we all have something that we hide in shame, a dirty little secret that we keep tucked away. I have mine and I am going to get it out there and free myself of it.....

this is ugly......

My computer desk.

My personal space.

This is in its clean state, I have no desire to have it organized at all and that is odd to me.

Although, I do keep it closed up when I am not using it, so there is a little bit of denial.


Shannon said...

I love how organized everything is especially your pantry. I definitely like things organized too. I am slowly working my way towards having all my closets organized. It does drive me bananas that they are not. There definitely could be worse things to "ocd" about! Although I don't think your computer area is AT ALL disorganized/ is strange that you don't really mind that this area isn't as organized as the rest. I would think you would want that area in order too. I would love to have one of those professional organizers come over and do everything for me - then I feel I would keep it up. The task of doing it though is overwhelming...hey wanna come over?

Shannon said...

And what do the labels underneath the plates/cups say?

Reanna said...

The labels say, plates, bowls, avery's cups, emmy's cups and medicines on the top shelf....this is to help keep things in their proper place if it is someone other than me putting the dishes away. I was finding piles of plastic before!

I love my label maker :)

Reanna said...

about the desk, that is the clean is usually much worse....