Monday, July 28, 2008

more weird dreams...

We all dream.
Sometimes, we can recall the dream when we wake from the sleep state. I tend to have pretty vivid dreams and most of the time, when I have a nice solid sleep, I can remember what I dreamt about.....or at least key parts.
Last night I had a dream that I was with my parents in our yard (Chris and the kids were not there) and we noticed a very large, beautiful blimp flying over us. We were admiring it when it suddenly started to descend toward us. I ran, with my eyes closed, preparing myself to die.....I clearly remember how I felt and that I was praying to God to make sure that my kids knew that I loved them.
So, as I was bracing myself, the blimp crashed down, demolished our house but we were fine.
I remember bits and pieces of the rest of of the dream, basically it was me feeling lost and devastated, but thankful to be alive....there were other people in the dream, but its not clear who they were.
Anyway, this has been stuck in my head today, basically the part that I felt so scared that I was going to die yet I had made peace with it.
I am a little uncomfortable and disturbed with this.

I wish that I knew what this meant.....any dream analysts out there willing to share some insight?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
