Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Let me state that I do not condone violence in my house, however with that statement out of the way, I have learned that siblings find ways to incorporate pain into their daily routine, despite my aversion to brutality in the home.
Usually, it is Emmy with a fist full of Avery's hair, squealing with delight as her sister wails in pain. There is a huge drama factor with Avery, so I am positive she is playing it off to be much worse than it actually is, but that is the scene I have to deal with (pretty much daily).
I have to console Avery as I explain to Emmy that it hurts to pull her sister's hair......blah...blah...blah.
Sooooo, we stumbled across something very interesting as we were innocently taking pictures during a break at the water park.......we caught the master manipulator working her magic on her sister.
And she doesn't look too happy that we caught her either.
Now I'm second guessing all the episodes that I have been beckoned to as Avery tearfully recounts how Emmy pulled her hair for no apparent reason, that she was just playing quietly by herself when Emmy attacked apparent reason my ass.
Lesson learned.
Anyway, I don't think that Avery is getting the response from Emmy that she was hoping for......


K.C. said...

Nope Emmy doesn't seem bothered at all by it! She's probably just making up a master plan in her mind that one day she'll just turn around and 'pop her one'!

Shannon said...

That was me...we have too many google accounts set up on this computer now!

Tracey said...

I'm going to say that Avery is PISSED because Emmy could care less that she is pulling her hair! HA! Love it!

Reanna said...

I love that Cole has his own you have to share blogging time with him!

I fear for the teenage years with these girls....