Monday, July 14, 2008

bad mommy moment, I lost count!

Today was gorgeously, deliciously beautiful, so the kids spent much of the day outside playing as I did damage control on my vacation-neglected plants and grass.
I am in a very happy place when I am weeding, watering and deadheading, sounds diffuse into the air and I am able to tune out the relentless bickering between siblings and only chime in every now and then with things like, "leave your sister's foot alone", "no, we don't pull each other's hair" or the ever popular "please don't pull her down the slide by her head.....I don't care if she likes it!"

So when my precious Avery skips up to me and excitedly announces that she has to go to the bathroom, I simply tell her to go into the house and remember to wash her hands.
Standing there with her hands on her hips, head cocked to the right, eyes rolled and obviously irritated, her response is:

"Nooooo Mommeeeee, I did already pee outside.
I peed like a doggie.....but don't worry Mom,
I didn't pee on the grass,
I peed on the mulch".

To that I can only say, "oh....ok....good job" and off she prances back to play with Emmy, who has stripped all of her clothes off by now.

OK, so she didn't wash her least she didn't turn my grass yellow.


Shannon said...

That is so funny! Dogs don't wash their hands so she shouldn't have to either!

Tracey said...

Little do you know she probably washed her hands in the pool! LOL! I wouldn't constitute this a bad mommy moment, okay maybe letting your daughter drag her sister by her head down the slide....kidding!