Thursday, December 6, 2007

my confession

Most women* would agree (if they don't, they are lying) that during the cold winter months, shaving (as well as a nice thorough pedicure) becomes less of priority.

Some reasons for this is, are as follows:

-body parts are fully covered as it is cold

-cold mornings make it difficult to wake up with ample time to factor in shaving

-shaving days require extra time for post shower lotion application, as winter air and home heating is quite drying on the skin

-certain women don't shower every day....I wouldn't personally know about this

-who REALLY cares?

In stating that, I do have to say that I was able to shower and shave today after a little break and it feels great!

Too bad for Chris, its that time of the month.....

*Certain (single) women with exciting, impulsive, spontaneous social calendars, may not fall into this group.


Tracey said...

I love the disclaimer at the true!

Anonymous said...

What you don't shave EVERY day? :) I agree - shaving in the winter is a luxury!

Reanna said...

I am lucky to get a shower daily.....nevermind shave!