Sunday, December 9, 2007


I am excited to say that I am done Christmas shopping, I have a few loose ends to tie up, but I am ready for it!
Although I am pretty set for Christmas....I have to say it is sneaking up rather quickly.
I'm sure that all of the craziness around here contributes to time fleeting at a swift pace, but where does it go?
My days and weeks literally disappear and I find myself looking back onto the month in amazement with everything that we have fit into the days.

Its pretty bizarre that the older I get, the faster time flies, which motivates my desire to experience new things. The dilemma is, the responsibilities that keep me grounded in my daily structure don't allow much leeway. In other words, I have 3 kids.
I have put priorities in place to benefit the kids and pushed mine back, that is not to say that I am bitter or that I do not take care of myself.....believe me, I'm not and I do.
I am just looking forward to when the girls are a bit older and we can embark on adventures....planned or spontaneous.....near or far.
There is just so much I want to do and I despise waiting, but as fast as time passes, I will be planning that trip to France, Ireland or simply Canada, sooner than I realize. Yes, I do want to venture out of my bubble.
I want to travel and appreciate the world with my children, but not while naps are still on the schedule and definitely not while meltdowns are a regular part of the day!
And as much as I dream of what we will do and see, I know that I will look back at these overly structured, monotonous days and truly miss them.

But back to what I started with, Christmas.....I am pretty much ready for it and I am excited about it. The kids are anticipating it, DJ is counting down on the Advent calendar. The food, the scents, the music and the is so magical.....I love Christmastime!
Actually, if I were meandering around Europe, though very tempting, I would be missing out on our traditional New England Christmas and everything that goes with I guess, it is not too bad to be stuck for a bit.

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