Friday, December 14, 2007

Remember when....

This is what I would watch with my brother when we were little kids.
He loved it, he had all of the guys....He-Man, Man at Arms, Skeletor, Battle Cat, and the others that I don't remember.....and he had Castle Greyskull, that was pretty cool. I think all the boy cousins had these toys, they were always playing with them. I totally remember being at my Memere's house with my cousins, watching this show. The boys would grab Memere's yardstick to use as a sword and act out the cartoon amounst themselves.....the girls could watch the show, but we were not worthy of an invitation to play He-Man.

After watching the intro, it seems that the show was much more impressive from an 8 year old's perspective.....although the boys might still be mesmerized by it today.

1 comment:

C-Mac said...

"fabulous secret powers" and "hold my magic sword". WTF?!?! I can't believe that He-Man was a fruit.