Sunday, December 2, 2007

lazy like Sunday morning......

It is Sunday morning, it is cold and the girls are up at their usual early time of 7:30 am......which in kid time, isn't all that early.
I am struggling to wake up.........Chris and I actually had a fun, late night out with Al and Georgia, which always leads to a horrible morning. Anyway, I am trying to wake up and immediately it all hits me at once..... the headache, dry mouth, dizziness and what I can best describe as a nauseous sludge filled stomach......I am hung over.
This is something that I could deal with when I was younger, I could handle sleeping only a few hours to get up and go to work and fully function, but for some reason after I hit 30, the hangovers became unbearable.

So, as I am trying to focus, my heavy head slams back into my soft pillow, I close my eyes and all I can do is sigh, how am I going to be able to do this?......then it happens.
I feel Chris get up and tell me that I can sleep in.....he leaves and closes the door!
I am left to sleep uninterrupted until 10am.
Thank you Chris. Thank you Chris. Thank you Chris.
My husband is the best, he is just awesome!

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