Friday, December 7, 2007

Care Bears

At our house, we love the Care Bears and all things related to them.
We have acquired quite a few (like 30) over the 4 years that Avery has been a small, human Emmy too, has developed a bit of a crush on these fuzzy little guys.

Emmy enjoys talking to them in her unique gibberish language, loving them, feeding them and for some odd reason, she enjoys lining them up across the couch or across the floor.
Its cute how systematic she is with her little friends. She strategically places them one by one and when she is done, stands back to admire her accomplishment with great pride.
Unfortunately, her pleasure is always short lived.
Her joy ends with Avery taking Funshine Bear out of the lineup, which in turn, upsets Emmy's order of operations and inevitably leads to a full blown brawl between the siblings.
And guess who gets to be the referee for this madness?
This happens daily, its no fun.

Though, now that I think of it, it seems that Funshine Bear and Wish Bear seem to be the top chosen contenders to fight over........if it were me, Cheer Bear would be the only Bear to warrant a scuffle.

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