Friday, December 21, 2007

Can't sleep

I am stuck on a few thoughts that I just need to let go of, so why not throw them out into cyberspace, right?


One's perception is so unique to the individual, but how do we know what the right perception is? I know how I take in, process and release my experiences......I also know that my thoughts can be pretty random and I can be a tiny bit apprehensive (paranoid) about certain situations.....where someone else will be completely comfortable and can rationalize the exact same situation.
So, how do we gauge perception?

My son DJ sees the world a bit differently than most of us. His perception seems off, but why is his perception off and mine is on? I can't figure it out.
He is so detail oriented, he finds things of interest and he stores these thoughts and experiences and is able to reference something that happened 7 years ago, in depth, without any effort.....its pretty amazing.
Its tough because he gets stuck on things that he can't get past. If he sees something funny, I hear about it with great enthusiasm for the point that it is exhausting. If he is upset, he can't let go of the anger and move on, he shares it with us and reruns the situation over and over through his mind. It is so difficult to get through to him when he is stuck....sometimes, I just can't get through at all.

So, with thinking about how we see things, how do we know that we are the one who is seeing everything in the right light? To me, there are so many layers to this because I know how I individually process, its definitely not black and white, its many shades of black and white creating grey. DJ identifies precisely in black and white. Our differences are evident.
But I still question it all, I am stumped.
Why can't DJ own his perception?......What makes my perception better?.....Why are the rules so rigid?.....Who decides?......Why do we have to try to fit the mold?
I don't know.
OK, right now, my perception is that my brain hurts.....I am done thinking and I'm off to try to get some sleep.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Deep post. I'm glad you posted it because it is so true...everybody sees things differently and I don't think there is a right or wrong. Just different.

Reanna said...

I agree, its just so interesting that we all look at the same thing, but will see it differently.