Tuesday, March 11, 2008

feels like spring....

Today, the girls and I went to the library for story time and a playgroup, we had a blast!
I have not done a scheduled playgroup since Avery was little, so it was really good to see the girls playing with new friends their age.....especially Emmy, who is with Avery all the time.
Emmy loved dancing and singing, parachute time, free play and she actually ventured away from my lap to sit close to Mrs. Brown, as she read to the kids....a huge step in independence for my doodle-bug!!
When we were done, we hung out at the playground for a bit, visited my Mom's flower shop to play with Fiona, ran a few errands and got home to have lunch.

After Emmy naps we are heading out to the pond to feed "our" ducks that come here every year....a male and female....we keep waiting for them to have babies, maybe this will be the year.
They have been back for about a week and we have been feeding them for a few days now, its such a great sign that spring is almost here!!!!

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