Thursday, March 13, 2008


So, little Emmy has come down with a cold and she is a cranky mess!
Her nose is running constantly, leaving her upper lip and nose red raw from me wiping away the goo......despite me using soft tissue and applying Aquaphor incessantly.

Thankfully, there are no coughing attacks or fevers with this cold......however, she has the full on sneezes that bring all of the snot out of her nasal passages and onto her face.
The thick messy stuff that, if I don't get to her immediately with soft tissue and Aquaphor, she will instinctively wipe away and all over her face (and hair.....yes, gross).
OK, then I have to catch that fast little bugger and hold her down to clean the mess on her face, while being gentle on her raw spots and lubing her up with the Aquaphor.....which ironically makes her look pretty much like she has snot all over her face anyway!

The best part of this whole fiasco is me having to drop whatever it is that I am doing at the time that the sneeze takes place, race to get my arsenal of booger destroyers and skin protectants, frantically run to the gross child who is in the process of smearing snot on her face and calmly continue my course of action to ridding her face of all toddler mucus. Not to mention, the ritual of discarding all phlegm paraphernalia and then on to disinfecting myself.

Real fun for an OCD freak like myself.


Anonymous said...

Ewwww! Great picture - its not her though is it?

Reanna said...

not Emmy, but appropriate for the post!