Wednesday, March 26, 2008


For the past 4 days, I have been sick....the "can't-get-out-of-bed-if-my-life-depended-on-it" kind of sick.
The kind if sick that Moms can't be.
Luckily for me, Chris was able to take care of the kids while I slept away 2 days.
I was fortunate enough to touch base with pretty much every cold and flu symptom there is, headache, congestion, fever, coughing, body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, and earache.
By day 3 (Tuesday) of this mess, I wasn't feeling better and started to worry that I could have strep throat, pneumonia or at the very least, an ear infection, so I called the doctor.
I called at 9am and the office was busy, they could squeeze me in at 4:15 with another doctor, so I took it.
I got to the appointment, told the doctor of all the ailments that I was experiencing and prepared myself for a heavy dose of antibiotics. He listened to me and told me that I was among the many patients he had seen throughout the day with the same symptoms, he checked me over and gave me the diagnosis.
He told me I have mucus.....mucus.

A bad cold with mucus, swollen lymph nodes, fever and just has to run its course.

Naturally, it will run its course through everyone in this house first.


Anonymous said...

Yuck! Hope you feel better soon. Those darn kids for getting you sick!

Reanna said...

They are gross germ spreaders!!!

Tracey said...

If it makes you feel any better, which I'm sure it won't, I've had the same thing for the past 3 weeks! My throat is still sore as we speak. Yucky yuck!