Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our morning

So it went pretty smooth, we got to the school and the kids went into a classroom with a group of teachers and specialists, they were encouraged to play and participate in activities as they were observed.
The parents and siblings went across the hall and filled out paperwork as the teacher went over the program with us.....pretty painless.
Avery did great, had no problem joining the kids and was fine with me leaving her, Emmy was a little concerned and kept asking where "sissy" was, but no meltdowns from my girls.

One little guy was screaming for his Mom and they brought him to her..... poor guy was so red, gooey and puffy from screaming, the Mom was mortified, but it happens. The director was great about it and reassured the Mom that most kids will go through an adjustment period when they start in September.

Surprisingly, I saw a couple of people that I know, I even saw the director of the preschool that Avery went to for a short time, so it must be as great as I have heard!
They will do the lottery at the end of March and we will know by the time that April vacation rolls around, whether Avery will be attending in September.
There are 60 openings available and 95 kids were at the screening, so wish us luck that it works out!

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