Saturday, August 30, 2008


Here we are,
at the end of summer and getting ready for
the changes that will come with September 2008.

DJ, will be starting grade 8. He and I will be getting up at 6:15 in order to reinstate the "school day" morning routine and get the bus at 7:15. Its going to be tough for me at first, I am not the cheerful mom who wakes up refreshed, happily ready to start the day....I am a tad bit resentful and bitchy until I can get some caffeine and wash my face, and even then I am slow to move. DJ is also a little grump in the morning.....we have an unspoken understanding to not antagonise each other as we "wake up".
I am hopeful that he will have a great year, he has some amazing teachers that we have met with over the summer and although he doesn't say it, I know he is ready to go back to school.

Avery will be starting pre-school as a peer model at our school system's early learning center. She is getting excited for school....initially, she wasn't thrilled with the idea of going to school, but after we went "school shopping", she suddenly saw it differently.....such a girl! She will be at school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:45- 3:15, a nice balanced schedule. I am looking into a morning dance class for her too.

Emmy and I will have our own special time when Avery is at school, I am really looking forward to this change. She has always had to share me with someone, so it will be so nice to have our one on one time together. It will be the perfect time to enroll her in a swim class and plan fun things with just Emmy in mind.....although, I know that she will miss her sister!

So, with new clothes, backpacks, sneakers, school supplies and lunch boxes waiting in the wings, I mentally prepare for the adjustments and changes that come with the month of September.
I am not ready for the unavoidable weeks of chaos that we will endure until we find our rhythm, the cold weather that is lurking around the corner, or the strict bedtimes and wake up times. But, I am ready to let go a little bit and watch my kids spread their wings.....I think.


Shannon said...

they are all growing up so fast!

What about Bella - will you be watching her again?

Reanna said...

I know! I can't believe that Paige will be doing kindergarten this year!!!!

No, I can't watch Bella because of all the stuff with the much busier this year than I was last year....but I will miss her!