Monday, August 11, 2008

fun on wheels

This weekend, Chris and I dug out the skates, got me a new pair and took the girls in the double jogger for some fun "stroller-blading".
We had the best of intentions, we could get some exercise, have fun, fresh air and all with the kids.
Poor DJ was having a little bit of a hard time on the skates, so he rode his bike along with us.
Chris had no problem jumping back into the inline skates, getting all "tricky" with them and skating laps around me (show off!)....pretty impressive for an old guy!
I however, did not enjoy my new inline skates (I really wanted to) and they are going back to the store.
They hurt like hell and although I had no problem with balance, I just couldn't get a groove with them. It was so disappointing because as a kid, I loved to roller skate and did it all the time, indoors and outdoors. I know I can skate.
So, I came to the conclusion that me and inline skates don't mesh, but me and roller that is a completely different story.

Those many practice laps around the driveway perfecting my skills, all those Sunday afternoons at Bobby's Rollaway skating to every song they played, and the makeshift roller rink I set up in my basement, have not passed in vain.
Even, breaking my arm when I was skating (at age 6) didn't deter me from rollerskating!

I can reclaim my love of skating despite my aversion to inline skates, I found these fun skates and I am eagerly awaiting their arrival by the weeks end to get out with the family for some "stroller skating".....old school style!


Shannon said...

I'm with you...I much prefer roller skates! We go to United Skates sometimes...its fun! Paige just got roller blades for her birthday!

Tracey said...

I was disappointed there were no pictures! I expect to see one of you on your new fancy 2008 roller skates! LOL!

Reanna said...

oh, no pictures that day! Chris was making fun of me because I looked so rediculous!

I will channel my inner "roller derby girl" and get some cute striped knee socks and fun shorts to sport while I "stroller skate" with the girls~!