Wednesday, October 15, 2008

thrifted finds

Avery has a princess scooter that she got for Christmas last year, which has been the source of huge meltdowns and screaming in our home because both the girls seem to gravitate to it every time we go out to play. I have wanted to pick up a second one, but either, I forget about it when I am at the store or when I do remember, the ones that I find are nothing like the one we have....which is necessary with my children. I have looked online and they are ridiculously overpriced and pair that with shipping costs, I simply can't justify the purchase.....hence, I deal with the annoying sibling arguments.
So, you can imagine my excitement when I found 2 identical, pink, 3 wheeled scooters that were the exact-perfect-size for the the local salvation army thrift store! I was dropping off some donations and spied these little beauties in the outside area, DJ went in to inquire about the price and I got the pair for a whopping $8.40....bargain!!!

This is what they look like now, kind of bare and loved by some other little girls, pretty much what Avery's princess scooter looks like anyway! I am dying to do a makeover on them (think ribbons, decals, baskets and bells) and I will most likely post it later....but the girlies wanted to play with them first, so the makeover has to wait!


Shannon said...

Perfect! And I know what you mean..even with my boy/girl siblings, I try to buy things the same when I can.

I can't wait to see the reveal of the scooter makeover!

Melissa Belmonte said...

I LOVE thrift stores! I keep meaning to do a Salvation Army post. We walk by there almost every day, and we have gotten so many great deals (especially on half-price Wednesday). I love buying from thrift stores, not just because it's cheap, but also because I feel like I'm supporting a good cause and/or recyclying old items rather than supporting the need to make new items- it's good for the earth! (-:

Can't wait to see the made-over scooters. I often see a piece of furniture or something that would be really nice if I had a creative touch like you to refinish and make it over, but know that I won't take the time to do anything to it.

Mom said...

Don't you love it when you find a bargain like that, especially when you were willing and planning on spending much more!
And I, too, can't wait to see how you decorate them. Your girls are lucky to have such a talented mother!
Claire (otherwise known as Mema)

remiroll said...

get fucking luckier!

Reanna said...
