Friday, October 31, 2008


Instead of battling the last 10 pounds, why can't I have the ability to grow a couple of inches and stretch it out?

What exactly is tapioca?

Why, when clowns are so disturbing and creepy, are they linked to children's fun?

How much faith can one put into an answer from the magic 8 ball?

Why do I continue to scour the Internet for answers when it only makes the situation a million times worse with every worst case scenario possible??

Who was the genius behind reality TV?

How can I thank the inventor of the DVR?

When will I get a full night of uninterrupted, quiet sleep?

How do you get "farv" out of "Favre"??

Is it possible to have a crush on a fictional vampire?

Where were the fashion police during the 80's and 90's....on strike perhaps??


Anonymous said...

All very good questions...especially looking stuff up on the internet and having it freak you out! I am the queen of that.

Shannon said...

OH and the 10 lb. thing...I can totally relate.

Melissa Belmonte said...

I might have to let this post inspire me into writing a similar post. Good idea.