Wednesday, October 8, 2008

falling for fall...

What isn't there to like about fall?
There is such richness in the color scheme of autumn, the heavy scents that fill the air and the warmth of the day that is sandwiched between a crisp morning and a frigid evening. I find myself cooking more (and actually enjoying it), keeping up with chores around the house more effectively and taking time to craft whatever medium that I am favoring at the moment. There is also so much satisfaction getting outside and playing with the kids, the coolness is so invigorating and its nice to not have to obsess over bug spray and sunscreen.

Fall is a comfortable and stable time of year for me.

I love packing away the summer clothes and bringing out the jeans, boots and sweaters that look good on everyone and are comfy! I love curling up on the couch with a blanket and Chris, to watch TV. I love the smell outside, of fall at night. I love putting sweatshirts on the kids. I love that the kids are already excited for Halloween. I love apples and pumpkins. I love cinnamon flavored foods. I even love raking up leaves.
What I don't love is that winter is lurking.....


Tracey said...

A girl after my own heart...I love fall! I agree w/ everything yousaid, and I love Thanksgiving time too! That was the only reassuring thing about returning from a week at the beach.

Reanna said...

yes...Thanksgiving is the grand finale of fall for me!! Then I start with the christmas season...which I love...its winter itself that beats me up!
January-March is tough.

remiroll said...

F fall.

Reanna said...

you love it....just not as much as summer!

Tracey said...

Rem loves fall AND sports! Oh yeah, and winter AND Nelson!

Reanna said...

and church...

Shannon said...

I was just saying to the kids yesterday how October is my favorite month!

remiroll said...

Rem loves July, 85 degrees, on my deck, with a cocktail or eight watching my child play in the yard. All that and tropical islands. I stand my ground F the fall. and sports. and church (eek, can I say that?). and winter. and Nelson (HA, I do)

Reanna said...

poor Nelson...

Anonymous said...

If it were me to decide, I would have to say that my favorite season would be winter. But I like autumn to.

Melissa Belmonte said...

I love fall, too. I love pot-lucks and Halloween parties- not as busy and with fewer expectations as Christmas and Thanksgiving. And the weather is perfect. The one thing I don't like (besides that winter is coming) is that everyone starts to get sick! We've had back to back illness in our family- first the stomach bug and then head colds. I'm hoping we're getting it overwith!