Saturday, September 13, 2008


My aunt, Linda and her partner Linda are getting married next weekend. They have been planning their wedding for the past year and they are excited that the day is almost here!
It will be an outdoor, morning ceremony in the gazebo at Lake Pearl where they will recite their written vows and incorporate crystal singing bowls, which I haven't heard before.
The ceremony will follow with a formal reception at the Tree Top Room which looks out, over Lake Pearl and I chose stuffed chicken as my entree.
My date for the event will be the very handsome, DJ Young, as Chris will be home with the is an adult only event, per the couple's request. DJ is 14, but he is taller and bigger than me, so I am hoping that the couple will not be upset.....I needed a date!
My brother will be in town for the wedding and I just found out that we will be celebrating my Grandmother's 80th birthday following the reception....Chris and the girls will be there.....hopefully, my Grandmother is up for a long day of partying!

I am looking forward to sharing this special day with my aunt, her fiance and my family.....and I am honored to witness such a devoted and deserving couple finally, be able to do what many of us take for granted.


Shannon said...

That place is so nice! We almost had our wedding there. I bet it will be beautiful. And they are both named Linda - I bet that doesn't happen often.

Tracey said...

You're going to have a fabulous time! Hope there is lots of Babs for you and DJ to dance to! I love the charms on their matching necklaces. Very cool.

Reanna said...

I had the hardest time with a gift because I wanted to give something other than cash...
I bought the charms so long ago and figured that I would incorporate them into the gift somehow. Then I found the silver disc neclaces and had thier names engraved on the fornt and the wedding date with the words "never walk apart" (from their invite)engraved on the back. So, I put them together and I think they will like them!

Shannon said...

That is such a special are so thoughtful.

Melissa Belmonte said...

Be sure to post pictures...I know D.J. will be a handsome date!