Monday, January 19, 2009

shiny happy people

So far 2009 has been so wonderful,
well except for the ridiculously cold and snowy New England weather.

I feel like there were these certain quirks in my personality that were left behind in 2008, allowing me to strip off the cumbersome layers of stress and breathe easier.

A long, sustained, full, deep breath of fresh air into my lungs.

Its not like anything specific happened to make me feel so good.
Perhaps, its the whole idea of a fresh start with a new year or that I turned 36 a few days ago or that I just feel this an amazing sense of balance with my life as a whole, which I have struggled along without for a while now.
Whatever it is,
I feel really good about myself, my family and my friends....its hard to have such delicate alignment when self imposed pressures and guilt are entered into the scenario.
So I have let go of the negative energy and I feel weightless......sparkly......beautiful.....happy......simply, balanced.

And in return, I am a better mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend and human being!!

......OK, time to get off the soapbox now.


Tracey said...

Subliminal R.E.M. song????

Melissa Belmonte said...

I haven't been to your blog in a while. I love your recent posts, especially this one! I love hearing about people who are happy- it's so great, too, because I think it's a hard time of year in New England to feel the way you do!!!

Happy Birthday!

Melissa Belmonte said...

I miss your posts!

I need a haircut, too. I wish I could do that via blogging somehow (I'm too nervous to go to someone around here for fear they won't be able to cut my hair like you can!). Also, Atticus wants to grow his hair long. Do you have any advice for us? If he sticks with this idea, how can we let it grow out w/o him looking too slobby...know what I mean?