Wednesday, November 19, 2008

a formal rant

Dear sweet littlest bean,

Please know that I am not at all fond of the antics this week.
I can say, without a doubt that I do not enjoy the 3 am parties that you have been throwing with your sister for the past few nights. I am all for a good party, but girl, I have to break it to you.....its not the time or place. A full night of sleep is a requirement for this mommy, besides that, your daddy and I invested in the most perfect, king sized, pillow top bed and I intend to get my monies worth, thank you very much.
So lets try to save the parties for daylight hours, OK?
I would also like to point out the tantrums, they are driving me absolutely crazy. I realize that there are things in life that are frustrating, especially for a 2 and half year old, but you jump head first into the fit without any attempt to figure out the situation.....or to give me a second to try to help you. Hypothetically speaking, a screaming, limbs flailing, snot running, red faced, high intensity, toddler melt down coupled with a sleep deprived, non-showered, dismal, less than patient mommy, makes for a not so fun day.
Am I right?!
Then, there is the mess factor.
You are the equivalent of a tornado hitting my house, the damage is done within moments and all of my efforts in keeping a clean home are blown away. I simply cannot keep pace with you.
Yet, I try......I try, oh so hard.
Yogurt painted all over the TV console, toothpaste smashed into your bedroom rug, eating peanut butter out of the jar with your hands, drawing with chap stick on the windows and back slider and sketching with my favorite eyeliner on the bathroom cabinet, all of these activities you conjured up yourself while I was off doing a quick load of laundry or making some sort of nutritional substance for you and your sister. Its not like I am plugged into a good TV show, gossiping on the phone or even taking the all elusive long, hot shower.
Do you remember when I set you and your sister up with the coloring books and crayons at the kitchen table, thinking that I could grab a few minutes upstairs to make beds and straighten up....only to come downstairs to find that you colored the whole side of my refrigerator with a thick, waxy layer of green crayon?!!

Yeah, not so fun for me.

a few additional bullet points:

  • stripping oneself of all clothing before we have to leave the house

  • refusing to eat what is prepared

  • battling with siblings

  • freaking out when I leave

  • objecting to naps

  • rejecting the potty

But with all of these inconvenient facets of our relationship, you know that you are my brightest ray of sunshine. You are always making me laugh with your craziness, even when I am at my crankiest. You are my most snugly snuggle bug and you love to cuddle on the couch with me and a book or your favorite show. You are so creative and artistic and you feel so proud when you finish your projects, you glow in our praise.....singing your songs and dancing your silly dances.

I adore that big cheesy smile that brings out the twinkle in your blue eyes, love to kiss those chunky, squishy cheeks and it melts my heart to hear that belly laugh permeate through the room.

So, littlest one, despite my rant, I wouldn't change you for anything.

Well it really wouldn't be so bad if you wanted to sleep all night again and not use my house as your personal artistic outlet.

With lots of love,



Shannon said...

:) I feel like that this week too. I know with me that my annoyance has a name...PMS!

Reanna said...

you may be onto something.....:)

Melissa Belmonte said...

Love it! So cute and so real!