Monday, February 4, 2008

Just not an option

They totally know that I need to divert my attention from them for a minute, they completely understand this, and despite my whole hearted efforts of reciting the whole "Mommy needs to make an important phone call speech" simply does not get through to my normally, semi-reasonable children.

It quickly becomes an arduous task to keep the small people relatively quiet (with evil, candy bribes) in order to hear the information coming through the phone and actually communicate with the person on the other end.

However, they are not satisfied with candy, they are not satisfied with coloring, they are not satisfied with a TV, they are not satisfied until they make a big enough racket that the person on the phone hurries me off to grab some is then and only then that the small ones are truly satisfied.
I am exhausted.

This is why I so appreciate email.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you! I also have the big "kid" (aka my husband) that always seems to do this to me!