Thursday, April 3, 2008

bathroom words

When DJ was little, we would call inappropriate words "bathroom words", it is a phrase that I have forgotten about because I haven't had to use it in a long time.

Boys seem to think that words used to describe bodily functions are really funny.
I remember distinctly when DJ was about 4 years old and he was rhyming words, he asked me what rhymes with "scoop" (poop), "cart" (fart) and "riarrhea" (he thought he was pretty sly with that one). It was hysterically funny for him to "trick" me into saying the "bathroom words".

Then there was the song that he and Uncle AL made went like this:
and farts
and farts
and eyeballs
and eyeballs
and eyeballs
and eyeballs..... "
They both really got into this jam, says a lot for Uncle Al, huh?!!

Another incident that sticks out was when DJ was in preschool and a little boy had an accident during quiet time. DJ must have caught a glimpse of them cleaning up because he went on for weeks about how Johnathon had a "diarrhea crumb" (his exact description) on his bum when Miss Sue was cleaning him in the bathroom.
We still giggle about this one!

DJ is now 13 and he has his bathroom words in check (most of the time) and thankfully hasn't taught the girls anything that I would cringe over.
The terms are different, "fart" has been replaced with "toot".....I don't think that the girls know that the word fart exists.

Avery never found any amusement in her bodily functions, they are just that, bodily functions.
Sometimes, she will giggle if something slips out unexpectedly.
Emmy, on the other hand finds all of this pretty funny.....burps, toots, sneezes, poops and whatever else sneaks up.
Her comedy act originated in the bathtub, where she tooted and found it hilarious.....the bubbles, the sound and our reaction to her surprised look on her face.
She proudly proclaimed, "Emmy tooted in the tub" she goes around telling everyone (loudly) that "Emmy tooted in the tub".......I laugh every time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh boy...I can so relate. Cole, KC and Paige all think that bathroom stuff is hysterical...I just don't get it! Of course Paige thinks its so funny too to 'keep up with the boys'. glad to hear they grow out of it. Although my 33-year old husband hasn't yet so who knows?