Tuesday, November 27, 2007


So, I am going to give this a shot. I figure that it will be an easy way to keep in touch with friends as well as an outlet at the end of the day!

If you are even remotely interested in this, you probably know me, but I will refresh. I am a Mom of 3 amazing, fun, smart, interesting and creative kids.

DJ is 13, he is in 7th grade and he is in every way an individual......as well as creative and funny. He doesn't follow the crowd and he is quite an old soul.....we wouldn't have it any other way!

Avery is now 4, I can't believe that! She is such a girlie-princess-frilly-diva girl. She really loves to do things her way and is
pretty vocal about that.

Emmy is 20 months and she is trouble! She is determined to do everything her sister does, she is very independent but she is a mama's girl. She is such a cuddle bug......my Emmy doodle bug!

During the day, I stay home with my little girls, babysit Baby-Bella (2 days) and I work at the salon 9 hours a week. I think its a good balance most days.

My husband Chris is my best friend and partner in this chaos,
we are alike in many ways and I am lucky to have him with me. The kids think he is the funniest daddy ever......I think he is the best!

I want my children to grow into smart individuals that are able to express themselves, think out of the box, make good choices and just have happiness in life.

Its hard work being a Mom, but it is pretty cool!

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